Wednesday, May 2, 2012

background information on beavers


        Beavers are the largest of all rodents in Maine, the adult weighs about 40-50 pounds but some beavers can weigh even more. Up to 85-90 pounds. The beaver is most active during winter time, usually during the months of September and October, because that is when they get ready for the winter season. They have to build their dams by chewing on trees to make large logs, branches as well as mud. They make damns to block streams and turn forests into big ponds which beavers really enjoy and it is also where they spend most of their time. A beavers home is called a lodge made out of branches and mud. They are built in the middle of a pond where beavers live and they have underwater entrances. If the beaver is in the middle of building their lodge and they get disturbed by a human being or another animal than they will not finish and will find a new spot to build their home. 

Beavers are nocturnal however, they are sometimes active during the day. They breed in February or March and do not have their kids for three months after. A beaver can have up to eight babies. The baby beavers will stay in the same lodge as their parents for about two years than they get sent out on their own where they than find a mate and build their own home. Beavers live up to 20 years old and can stay underwater for 15 minutes without coming up for air. 

They are found in North American (not Florida), Mexico, Northern parts of Canada, as well as the desert Southwest.

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